We are the product of Science and Wisdom

Biological knowledge in coherence with Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique for the optimization of your  physical, mental and spiritual bodies at once.

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)

Quantum Healing Healing Hypnosis Technique provides a complete healing for your mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

During our 3hr session we will find important information about your past lives and gain access to the keys of transformation through the quantum field as well as optimum guidance for your soul’s journey by connecting with your higher self.

You will step into a greater sources of knowledge, energy, power and well being through your own consciousness, activate your abilities to heal and discover the aspects of your multidimensional being that are here to assist you in your human experience.

QHHT Therapy Session with Golden Teacher

We will work with a micro dose to stimulate the receptors of serotonin within the brain. The effect of the Golden Teacher helps to calm the mind from anxious thoughts and allows the participant to enter into a state of relaxation where you are guided into a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session to establish connection with the Higher Self.

This session allows for deeper healing from PTSD as we connect with the emotions and the aspects of the subconscious mind for overall well being and healing. Pre consultation is required to evaluate each case, we reserve the right to determine if this therapy is the most beneficial on a case to case basis.

Microdose Sound Journey

Immerse yourself in a transformative and spiritual experience with our guided sound journey enhanced by a carefully balanced microdosis. Here’s how we can deepen into the spiritual quality of this unique experience:

Connecting to the Ethereal Realm

Elevated Consciousness: Through the harmonious blend of sound therapy and microdosing, you transcend to higher states of awareness and tap into the hidden world of your consciousness and communication with the ethereal realm.

Sacred Cleansing: Begin your journey in a purified space, where the energy is cleansed with sacred herbs, setting the stage for spiritual exploration and deep meaning connection.

Herbal Infusion: Delight in a tea of local herbs upon arrival, designed to not only nourish the body but also elevate the spirit, preparing you for the journey ahead.

Ancestral Medicine Ceremony

The Quetzal awakening is an ancestral medicine ceremony that combines, bee venom, local plants, and transcendent sound healing under a guided meditation.

The Quetzal ceremony enhances intuition, awareness, and extrasensory perception, allowing us to perceive reality and spiritual energies more deeply.

Holistic Retreats

Personalized Healing Sessions: Tailored therapies and treatments to address individual needs.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Techniques to promote mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Nutritional Guidance: Customized nutrition plans for holistic wellness.

Energy Healing: We utilize natural compounds and plant-based medicines for healing.

Spiritual Alignment: Our Services like Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique offer spiritual growth.

DETOX formula for women

Our Mermaid Secrets formula offers a wide array of health benefits and may provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects.

Mermaid Formula properties: Contains vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and protein.

Medicinal Properties: Aromatic, carminative, stomachic, antispasmodic, antitussive, expectorant, diuretic, galactagogue, and harmonizer. Energetic Properties: Warm, sweet, bitter.

What does the Mermaid formula do to your body?

Potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and phytonutrient are coupled with polysaccharides that lower the cholesterol and supports digestive, cardiac, and endocrine functions of the women’s body..
The formula also contains significant amounts of fiber and polyphenols which decreases the risk of heart disease, chronic inflammation as well it reduces the total amount of cholesterol in the blood.


Dr. Jean Mascret and Paulina Rodriguez have both 10 years of experience working with medicinal plants.

From the medical part Dr. Jean Mascret specializes on therapeutic failures cases that haven’t been resolved by conventional treatments.

His knowledge as an Ethnobotanist is applied to create and develop personalized plant based medicines and natural compounds that allow to heal in harmony with the QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) session.

He is the creator of the plant based detox for woman and the  Bee Venom treatments for cellular regeneration of Mermaid Secrets.

Paulina Rodriguez was initiated as Channeler and medium through the sacred path of ancestral medicinal plants in 2014. She has traveled from Canada to Mexico to alchemize the experience of many human beings through her Yoga classes, group meditations and Transmissions.

She is a unique Therapist specialized with QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) and co-founder of Mermaid Secrets.

Dr. Jean Mascret and Paulina Rodriguez began working together in 2018. They established the Mermaid Secrets brand and have helped over hundreds of women’s to restore their health over the world.

In this life time their mission is to continue to work in harmony bringing forth their ancient knowledge to heal and balance the people that is coming towards their path.



“The wave of healing continues to expand. I was invited to be a contributor writer at GOSS MAGAZINE for the issue #13 and share my personal journey as a Quantum Healer with Hypnosis, writer and medium. I feel very grateful to witness so many women rising and sharing their valuable knowledge in areas of health, heling, self care and self love”.

The authenticity of each woman in the #13 issue of GOSS is indeed felt in all the content. More platforms for successful women are now very open to promote balance between business and holistic practices that support women worldwide.


Unlocking the Divine Within is a metaphysical journey that utilizes the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique developed by Dolores Cannon. In this book, author Paulina R. shares incredible healing experiences from her QHHT clients, their revelations as star beings living on Earth at this time and the lessons they bring from the cosmos to humanity. As the planet shifts into a new era conducive for an interstellar civilization to thrive, readers will explore what this means for humanity and how we can move forward from where we are by unlocking the divine within them.

Through revelations about life on other planets, parallel ET life experiences, ancient technologies from the temples of Egypt, and the seeding project of humanity on Earth, readers will stretch their beliefs about what is possible and what humans can achieve individually and as a collective by integrating the lessons from star races in human form.

The book features impactful experiences from author Paulina R.’s own ceremony journeys and 11 applicable meditation techniques transmitted to her by her guides.

In this astonishing book you will find:

● How the author got initiated during ceremony space.

● Her first contact with an intergalactic race.

● The most powerful messages from her QHHT sessions.

● The following 11 Meditations to help you with your spiritual journey:

  1. Tree of life mediation.
  2. Working with the pyramid of light.
  3. Lemurian Sphere meditation.
  4. Pleiadean meditation to clear the space with a flower.
  5. Merkabah meditation from Sirius.
  6. Breathwork to activate the pineal gland & third eye.
  7. Atlantean meditation for 12 chakra system alignment.
  8. Meditation to meet your higher self and receive a message.
  9. Hathor’s portal to Alcyon.
  10. Clearing implants with golden light.
  11. Connecting with the crystal core of the earth.


I had the absolute honor to meet Metra, Founding editor at 7starlife magazine when she visited Tulum in 2022 for her new publication on the ultimate guide to Tulum.

She had a wonderful QHHT session and began with her detox journey with our Mermaid Detox formula. Besides sharing about all the most outstanding places to visit in Tulum she wrote a full review about her healing experience with us.

Access full article for free!

Download the TREE OF LIFE MEDITATION to ignite your soul from the infinite source of love and connect with the energies of the earth & the cosmos.


    Call: +52 984 182 1428


    May 2024


    Hurry up, we have only limited slots this month


    Through our wisdom and experience we have cultivated the ultimate human medicine that is embracing the total nature of your being.

    QHHT Therapy Session with Golden Teacher
    This session has all the same qualities of a QHHT therapy session except that we also  work with a micro dose to stimulate the receptors of serotonin within the brain. The effect of the Golden Teacher helps to calm the mind from anxious thoughts and allows the participant to enter into a state of relaxation where you are guided into a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session to establish connection with the Higher Self. This session allows for deeper healing from PTSD as we connect with the emotions and the aspects of the subconscious mind for overall well being and healing. Pre consultation is required to evaluate each case, we reserve the right to determine if this therapy is the most beneficial on a case to case basis.

    While sessions cost thousands of dollars in the US and Canada, we offer an alternative that is affordable and efficient through the QHHT therapy for optimum healing.

    QHHT Therapy Session with Golden Teacher $565USD


    Ancestral Medicine Ceremony
    Throughout the centuries, bee medicine has been recognized for its health benefit.

    It has a long history as an ancestral medicine, dating back to the Mayan civilization, ancient times in Egypt, Europe, and Asia.

    Historically in Mayan beliefs, bees were closely tied to their spiritual world, with deities like Ah Muzen Cab, the descending honey god, playing a central role in their society.

    Beekeepers, were seen as earthly guardians of the bees and conducted rituals of gratitude and prayer, offering a portion of the harvested honey to the deities in ceremonies like U Hnlil-kab, the feast of the bees!

    The Quetzal awakening is an ancestral medicine ceremony that combines, bee venom, local plants, and transcendent sound healing under a guided meditation.

    This ceremony enhances intuition, awareness, and extrasensory perception, allowing us to perceive reality and spiritual energies more deeply.

    Opening your Third Eye:

    Bee venom helps to eliminating toxins, opening your third eye and connecting to the higher self naturally incline you to engage in positive activities that reduce stress, helping you getting adequate sleep, and finding time for meditation and relaxation, boosting mood, decreasing anxiety, and improving overall mental health.

    Increased Energy Levels :

    The inducive regenerative sleep and tunning in consuming nutritious foods that naturally boost your energy levels, reducing the need for dopamine stimulants like excessive caffeine intake or infinity phone scrolling. This naturally sustained bio-energy allows for better productivity concentration and overall vitality.

    Mood Enhancement :

    It stimulates the production of serotonin, the “feel-good hormone,” contributing to a happier and more stable emotional state.

    The complete Body, Soul and Spirit alignment experienced during the awakening ceremony connect you to healthy practices and diet rich in micro-nutrients that you enjoy combined with regular physical exercise, improving mood and reducing the risk of depression.



    Sound Journey with Microdose

    Immerse yourself in a transformative and spiritual experience with our guided sound journey enhanced by a carefully balanced microdosis. Here’s how we can deepen into the spiritual quality of this unique experience:

    Connecting to the Ethereal Realm

    Elevated Consciousness: Through the harmonious blend of sound therapy and microdosing, you transcend to higher states of awareness and tap into the hidden world of your consciousness and communication with the ethereal realm.

    Sacred Cleansing: Begin your journey in a purified space, where the energy is cleansed with sacred herbs, setting the stage for spiritual exploration and deep meaning connection.

    Herbal Infusion: Delight in a tea of local herbs upon arrival, designed to not only nourish the body but also elevate the spirit, preparing you for the journey ahead.

    Journeying Within for Spiritual Insight

    Letting Go: Release inhibitions and surrender to the experience, allowing yourself to connect deeply with your higher self and access profound insights about your future and past lives.

    Soulful Exploration: Explore the depths of your consciousness, unraveling hidden truths and unlocking spiritual wisdom that may guide you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

    Memories and Reflection: Revisit past lives and gain a deeper understanding of your soul’s journey, fostering healing, acceptance, and spiritual evolution.

    Facilitated by Experienced Guides

    Decades of Expertise: Benefit from the wisdom and guidance of experienced professionals who have dedicated years to honing their skills and creating a platform for awakening and profound spiritual connections.

    Tailored Sessions: Each session is meticulously crafted to cater to your spiritual needs, with personalized consultations to ensure the environment and techniques align with your intentions and aspirations.

    Efficient Techniques: Drawing from proven methods refined over years of practice, we employ specific techniques that have demonstrated efficacy in our past retreats and group ceremonies, enhancing the depth and meaning of your experience.



    QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) works with the Theta brain waves, which we only access twice a day, before we sleep and when we are waking up.

    Through the Theta brain waves we access direct contact with your higher self or your higher knowledge.

    This particular technique was developed for over 50 years by Dolores Cannon, author of 19 incredible books in sacred knowledge and past lives based on her own research and clients.

    Dolores traveled all over the world to heal thousands of human beings and left an impeccable legacy in Quantum Healing Hypnosis. I highly recommend to read any of her books.

    Is important to note that most hypnotherapist work only on Alpha waves and do not access direct contact to your higher consciousness.

    Having direct contact to your higher consciousness allows us to find answers by accessing your records, we find information that is important and relevant for you to know at this time.

    During our QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) session you will be shown the pieces of information that you need in order to heal yourself, integrate and continue stepping into your truest path, embodying total health and alignment with who you truly are.

    If it is appropriate for you to find information about your past lives usually is because there are some unresolved issues (energies pattern=information), or a lesson that needs to be brought back to your consciousness.

    You will access that information and understand it from a higher perspective.

    This is what we call closing the loop, so the lesson stops repeating itself over and over each life.

    In other cases your higher self brings you a reminder of who you are and what is your mission at this time.

    Showing you how to move forward with your unique abilities and powers.

    How to prepare:

    For our QHHT session you will need a list of questions that you can ask your higher self and you feel they will be significant to your awakening, healing process and that will help you move forward from any situation.

    Your higher self has the access to your soul registry and all personal akashik records and it will give us the answers during the session.

    The questions are an essential part so give yourself the proper time to meditate about what answer is that you seek.

    Introspection with no judgment as an act of self-love is the key to your abilities to formulate the best questions about yourself, you want to let the question come to you.

    Topics to formulate your questions can be related to your health, important life decisions, experiences that may need to be understood about your life and soul journey, your soul origin, life purpose, enhancing your abundance, love, soulmates, soul contracts or anything else you feel is important to explore.

    Please send your questions by email to higherself@dr-akashika.com previous to our session.

    After we have received the answers from your higher self I ask for a body scan and this is where important healing process comes through!

    Your higher self will scan your entire body: organs, muscles, bones, reproductive system, glands etc. As if doing an x Ray to your physical and energetic body all at once. Here is where you can receive the healing you are ready to receive and the re alignment of your complete being.

    All can be healed in only one session and the duration this 4hrs.

    It is recommended to eat food previous and after the session, please do not drink Coffee or alcohol on this date.

    Improved Physical Health:

    Some of the list of the diseases that can be healed are:

    • Cancer – various types at various stages cleared
    • Cartilage – reconstruction between joints
    • HIV – cleared and eradicated
    • Heart – healed with no surgery required
    • Liver – fully functional regeneration and restoration
    • Kidney – fully functional regeneration and restoration
    • Wounds – regeneration with no scarring
    • Migraines –root causes explained and removed
    • Vision – 20/20 eyesight restored with no need for corrective vision
    • Diabetes – causes explained and cleared
    • Intestines – conditions cleared
    • Back – middle and lower area problems cleared
    • Neck/Shoulder – pain identified and causes cleared
    • Lungs – problems identified and cleared
    • Skin – problems identified and cleared

    Enhanced Mental Health :

    • Anxiety – causes explained and cleared
    • Depression – root causes explained and removed
    • PTSD –conditions cleared
    • Mood Disorder –problems identified and cleared



    Individual QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Session: $365US

    Most therapies are unable to address a complete healing for your Mental, Spiritual and Physical bodies due to the cartesian way of thinking. In the quantum realm your body exist already healed and fully vibrant and this is the reality we anchor through our knowledge and very well developed techniques proven to work for over 50 years.

    Dr. Jean Mascret and Paulina Rodriguez are specialists in Biochemistry and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

    Our modalities include the most effective Quantum Healing Therapies.

    We work with methods for higher consciousness and information to translate into a molecular structure for your physical, mental and energetic body to be in harmony and balance.

    Each case is treated individually and with the most care.

    We have designed our personalized sessions in a way that you can reach the most benefit for your health.

    1. QHHT Therapy Session with Golden Teacher $565USD – 6hr Session with a micro dose of Golden Teacher for healing of PTSD, anxiety, over thinking and stress with the benefit of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session. Pre consultation is required to determine illegibility as there are some conditions that are not suitable for this therapy.
    2. QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session) $365USD – 3.5hr Session for a complete healing of your mental, spiritual and physical bodies. A wonderful session to connect with your Higher Self and find important guidance for your life’s journey.
    3. If you have any health concerns please book a consultation with Dr. Jean expert in natural therapies as a pharmacognosy and holistic philosophy. Online consultation for 1hr. $100 USD



    Don’t take our word. See what’s our patients said about us.

    I have been very impressed with Dr Akashika and the way the sessions with Jon & Paulina helped align not only my health but spiritual purpose. Both have such a incredible combined wealth of knowledge. And, my concerns about fertility and migraines were quickly resolved.
    I felt very supported and safe to put my health and wellness journey in their hands. I would highly recommend to anyone who’s looking for extra support and realignment.
    What stands out to me is that they both helped me to remember that I am able to heal myself. I believe the best medicine practitioners have this as a foundation to any treatment. So thank you Jon & Pauline for your supportive and guiding healing presence.


    I would like to share my experience with you that I had with these beautiful souls, the Dr. Jean Mascret helped me to get rid of a terrible cough that I’ve got after my COVID first shot, their secret mermaid 🧜‍♀️ mix of adaptogens plants 🌱 function as an expectorant, he guide me through very useful information to clean my body more deeply with a ion cleanse session, I also consulted Paulina Rodríguez to get a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, this experience was amazing, her voice took me through a beautiful travel to my past life’s thanks to this I had such a helpful insights to better understand my current life. I can thoroughly recommend both souls and I’m looking forward to try their venom rejuvenated treatment.


    I really loved this QHHT experience!  Paulina is gifted and makes you feel really comfortable. She’s so loving! I felt transported to a deep dreamy place where I felt incredibly connected to myself. I recommend this hypnosis experience to anyone seeking deep healing and even deeper self discovery.

    Tiffany Auerbach

    I had a brilliant and insightful experience with Dr. Jean, He came to my home with a quantum resonance scanner and he did a reading on me.
    I was left with a deep confidence in my health going forward as he went over numerous pages of in-depth result  printouts which he went over meticulously with in person analysis. He gave me recommendations and places I could go online to help tweak and optimize facets of my body for more optimal health.
    One of the best parts was that about 3 months ago I had an in-depth blood test done back in the United States before I had to come to Tulum.  Dr. Jeans  one minute scan of my body was in alignment with that blood test and provided even more information!

    Arslan Chaudhary

    It was my very first QHHT experience and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Knowing this, Paulina professionally answered all my questions. Our communication before the session helped me remove doubts and ensure that I arrived prepared.
    On the day Paulina made me feel very comfortable right from the start. Her amazing energy created a place of safety allowing me to share even the most intimate details of my life journey.
    During the hypnosis part of the session we addressed the uncertainties and concerns that I had about my life, as well as my life purpose. The experience left me feeling somewhat tired, but overall very relaxed.
    In addition, in the following days Paulina sent me more communication with tips on how to put into practice the learning that I received from the QHHT.
    I would recommend the experience to anyone seeking insight into their past lives and clarity about future life decisions.
    Paulina is a wonderful facilitator. Her calming presence combined with soft and soothing voice invites the energy of peace letting you relax and drift away into the space of Higher Self guidance.

    Ania Szmuksta

    Mi experiencia con QHHT fue una experiencia única. Ella se toma el tiempo y se asegura de hacer estas sesiones presenciales porque valora la importancia y el bienestar del paciente. La atención y seriedad al escuchar me hizo sentir muy cómoda y libre de expresarme. Al pasar a la sesión hipnótica, sentí mucha confianza para dejarme ir aunque yo seguía muy consciente y creí que no había ido tan profundo.
    Sin embargo las visiones que tuve fueron muy claras, y me llevaron a ver cosas muy relevantes sobre mi camino. Aclaro muchas dudas que tenía sobre mi misión en la Tierra y porque había sido marcada por una enfermedad autoinmune.
    Los días siguientes las señales siguieron apareciendo, las personas que conocía seguían trayendo mensajes de esa dimensión a la que viajé y las piezas del rompecabezas fueron cayendo en su lugar y continúan.
    Lo recomiendo mucho por ser una terapia tan amigable, tan sutil y gentil. Es una experiencia muy espiritual y puede abrir muchas puertas. Puede traer mucha claridad a tus dudas y preguntas así como alinearte con tu propósito en poco tiempo. ¿Qué puede ser mejor?

    Ivana Etiene

    Paulina is gentle and loving. She offers sincere patience and space for healing. The revelations were impactful and full of tools for navigating my daily reality. Thank you Paulina!

    Oriwela Növs

    Paulina is not only an incredible QHHT practitioner, but she is an amazing listener, healer and friend. Working with her felt so natural and easy because she is so kind and nurturing. I instantly felt comfortable sharing intimate details about my life with her shortly upon meeting because her energy really puts you in a place of ease. There are few people who are able to hold space for others with such care and I feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with her. She is so patient and made me feel safe throughout the entire session. It was apparent that working with Paulina helped me reach deep states of consciousness because I experienced some of the most vivid and incredible dreams of my life in the weeks following my session. These dreams have offered me so many insights and have allowed me to regain trust and confidence in my intuition, something I previously struggled with. Through working with Paulina, I have identified a lot of self-limiting beliefs that have held me back for years. Through this work I have been able to understand the patterns that keep me tied to identities of the past so I can create new patterns that help me step into my highest potential. Thanks to Paulina, I’m feeling inspired about the future and much more connected to my mind, body and spirit.

    Camille Sharoni


    Create a positive change for your well being today!


    Sessions are booked in private spaces conveniently close to downtown or we can come to your hotel.

    Please allow 24hrs to book your session

    Session hours
    11 to 5 pm on Weekdays
    11 to 5 on Saturday

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